KZN Yearling Sale Update

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on 15 June 2021 that Adjusted Alert Level 3 will be in place from

16 June 2021. And as per previous communications, Bloodstock South Africa is committed to align to any

updates from the South African Government with regard to the respective restrictions.

As such the upcoming KZN Yearling Sale has had to be reviewed in terms of the new legislative

restrictions imposed as a result of the announcement to move to the Adjusted Alert Level 3.

Having taken into consideration the compliance implications of hosting a sale at Suncoast Casino in

Durban under the Adjusted Alert Level 3 Restrictions and more importantly the focus on the safety of the

people attending such a sale – from our vendors and their grooms coming in from all over the country, to

buyers and racing enthusiasts, as well as staff, it was decided that it would be in the best interests of all

parties to cancel the upcoming KZN Yearling Sale.

It goes without saying that Bloodstock South Africa will be guided by any updated rulings from the South

African Government and would always adhere to the respective regulations.

The board of Bloodstock South Africa is very aware of the logistical and financial pressures that the

above changes will place on breeders but feel the decisions taken are required to manage any potential

impact to the lives of everyone concerned during the 3rd wave and hopefully allow time for the

vaccination programme to be accelerated.

Should you have any queries or require further explanations please feel free to contact any of the


Alistair Gordon or 082 551 5462

Ashley de Klerk or 084 514 1723

Michael Holmes or 082 552 6524

Kind Regards

Bloodstock South Africa Board

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